Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Stages of Photographing Dogs

I had the opportunity to tour the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins yesterday (a wonderful tour, by the way) and afterwards stumbled upon this little guy downtown amidst a massive, crowded music festival that also happens to be going on this weekend. It got me thinking – I generally feel like there are about four consecutive stages I encounter while photographing dogs. I've attempted to recreate my experience with the following four captioned photos.

1: Preoccupation
2: Awareness
3: Confusion/Interest
4: Exploration

In my experience, most of the time is spent in the fourth stage. Anyone have a similar experience? Also, if anyone knows what kind of dog this is, I would love to know. The best my dog-expert friends could come up with was "Bear Dog." Needless to say, I'm fairly sure that's not right.

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